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Amherst School

Amherst School


Maths and English: Each week, Mental Arithmetic books will be handed out on Thursdays, to be returned at the latest by the following Tuesday. We ask for two tests to be completed (unless otherwise stated.) It is imperative that the children complete any corrections each week.  In addition, Literacy grammar or punctuation work will be handed out on Thursdays. This Literacy homework should be completed and returned at the latest by the following Wednesday. MA and English homework should take 2 hours to complete in total.

Spelling: Children should use the back of their English homework book to evidence their spelling practise. This should be dated each week. This may take the form of 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check'; mnemonics; rhyme; rainbow writing; pyramid writing; word searches; silly dictations or using images and pictures to aid memory. At the end of each week, children will be tested on a new Sir Linkalot bundle. They will be told in class which bundle this is and it will also be on the weekly homework page glued into their homework book. These should be the words they practise. These bundles have a strong emphasis on the words from statutory year 5/6 spelling list. These words can also be found on the website and in your child’s planner, if you would also like to practise these. There will always be a challenge section to the spelling tests made up of words taken from the statutory spelling list, 11+ spelling lists and topic specific lists. 

Reading: Your child should be encouraged to read for at least half an hour daily whether independently or with an adult. The children must record the book title and the pages read in their planners along with at least one detailed comment per week. A parent or guardian must sign the reading each week. Planners will be checked by the class teacher every Friday and will be used throughout the week, so must be in school every day.